Merlin - Murr' - len Merlin: adorable, sweet, powerful, mercurial and magical little feline with unusual features, ie. born with no paws He loves to play, bask, wallow, scoot and squawk when not sleeping and eating Origin | Wisconsin - relinquished to local humane society by the person who had Merlin since birth. After an in-home evaluation by one of the staff, it was determined that 'Muffin with no legs' could live a full and happy life. Merlin has been at the sanctuary since June 2015. Consider becoming part of his support network as a monthly sponsor or best buddy. He loves to play in the grass and chase wand toys (or string). Check out his Instagram page at where he shows off for his friends! Sponsor Merlin |
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Mittens - Mitt' - ens Mitt: Soft, beautiful, round, playful - a gorgeous, soulful familiar He loves to just be, watch, wait, feel and observe from the sidelines - and he will climb anything -including brick walls! Origin | Austin, TX. Mitt was part of an outdoor cat colony in TX but was likely dumped there. He has definitely been someone's pet. Due to a broken tail, he was taken to Austin Animal Center for medical care. They had to remove half of his tail, resulting in a spinal cord injury. Mitt flew on Delta to CCAS in May 2016, unsure if he could survive. Learn more about this big, beautiful boy and becoming one of his peeps. |
Oz - Ahhzzz
Oz: curious, brave, fastidious, obsessive, compulsive, nervous, affection, playful, gentle - the quintessential curious cat Oz loves t0 move, do, go, play, groom the other cats, clean up anything out of place and stay busy - he is the ambassador of the crew - outgoing, bossy in a passive way and always moving. Origin | Michigan. This big ol' boy was at a shelter in a small town in Michigan. Unsure of his backstory, he somehow ended up there with a fecal impaction that could have been deadly. He was delivered to us by a staffer who drove 10 hours to meet us at the border of Wisconsin when we were picking up Merlin. Oz has a couple of autoimmune conditions that flare up occasionally, but they are easily manageable. He is very laid back and gets along with cats and dogs and humans and kids. If you are looking for an independent, goofy kitty with lots of spunk, Oz is your guy. Learn more! Sponsor Chan |
Sponsor Oz Chan - Ch - ann
Chan: enchanting, mystical, mischievous, charming, adorable, feisty, strong, adaptable Chan loves to play with his bff JohnnyCash! all day. They roll-around, play fight and have a great time! Origin | Bastrop, TX. This little guy with hyperextended back legs was found wandering the streets at only a few weeks old. He stayed with an amazing foster mom until he was older and big enough for vaccinations at 5 months, then hitched a ride to Colorado with a friend of the rescue. Chan has multiple medical issues. This little guy is food aggressive and can be a play aggressive toward other cats. He is definitely in the right place to get his needs me with the other big boys. They know how to keep him in his place! |
Cyndi Lauper - Sin' - dee Lah' - purr Cyndi: vocal, loud, chatty, funny, personable, needy, abrupt, demanding, bossy, neurotic Cyndi loves to talk, run, prance, scream, coo, snort, snore, wheeze and make biscuits! Origin | Middletown, NY. Miss Cyndi Lauper was rescued from a hoarding situation at about 4 years old. We are not sure if she is so vocal because nobody listened and talked to her in the crowded house, or if she has always been a chatterbox. She is hysterically funny and has a bigger vocabulary than some two-year-olds. Cyndi has PTSD for reasons we are unsure of - maybe related to the disability or something that happened in the hoarding environment. She also has pretty serious asthma that is controlled with medication. And unfortunately, her arthritis is also pretty bad as she now has a hip out of socket. She is taking pain meds and starting acupuncture. Cyndi's care is pretty expensive - consider joining Cyndi's support network - you will be glad you did!. Sponsor Cyndi |
![]() Sponsor Napoleon BillyB aka BB and Beebs
Bil - e Bee BB: Nonstop motion, playful, fast, mischeivous, loving BB loves to: Birdwatch, chase, jump, catnip, wand toys, have his head rubbed, and cuddle (for short periods) Origin: BB came to us from CatSnap in Champaign. IL - home of our other black cat, the infamous JohnnyCash! Billy was four years old when he came to us after he had been injured and had to have his tail amputated. Loss of the nerve endings from the amputation left BB urinary and fecally incontinent (most of the time). He tries to use the litterbox, but needs a little help most of the time. This is the youngest four-year-old you will ever meet! He has the energy of the wildest kitten and plays until he just can't stand any longer. He can be aggressive toward other cats and even his favorite people. He will soon be back to throw himself into your arms for a cuddle and beg for a head rub. To find out more about BB, go to his page . Zoe had more problems than the usual MS issues, and was unable to eat most foods. After months of working with a vet and lab tests, they found a recipe that worked and her mom made it for her. When she came to CCAS, Mom continued to supply food for her until we found a food she could eat.
She also had PICA, an eating disorder in humans and animals. She seemed to grow out of those problems, as well as her 'really mean stage.' She got along great with the big boys and has been happy as can be for over two years! We love our Zo-Zo! ![]() |
Napoleon - Sebastian
Nah - po' - lee - an - Sa' -bass - thun Napoleon: sweet, cuddly, humble, beautiful, lovable Napoleon loves to: stretch, move, purr, roll, get tummy rubs and ear-love Origin | Sweet little Napoleon was rescued from the streets in the Los Angeles area by a good Samaritan who had the good fortune to reach out to Carina at Queen of Hearts Rescue for help. He was in very bad shape physically from complications of Manx Syndrome. She provided the resources for vet care and extensive boarding for over three months while looking for a home. After an exhaustive search which CCAS consulted on, it became clear that no homes were available for him. We made a way to bring Napster to our sanctuary despite space limitations. Carina and others involved in his rescue will always be a part of his life - they literally saved him. He has stabilized medically after a few scary episodes and serious talks about his quality of life. As long as he remains on a very specific regimen of food and has regular expression 2-3 times daily, he should be fine. Keep up with Napster's progress and be his friend! Zoh - eee
Zoe: magical, pixie, spicy, round, snarly, playful, adorable Zoe loves to roll on the floor, snuggle with the dogs, cat nap in a warm lap, play in catnip, flirt Origin | Somewhere in Colorado. Zoe was rescued by Animal Rescue of the Rockies when she was just weeks old. She has Manx Syndrome, so she was surely having pee and poop problems. A friend of the sanctuary fostered and adopted her, but needed to rehome Zoe when she was about a year old. Zeus - Zoo - sus
Zeus: powerful, fast, spunky, angst, sleek, feisty, spirited, edgy little guy that will flip on you in an instant and knows he is a god! Zeus loves to climb, jump, run and play! Origin | Bastrop, Texas area after Hurricane Harvey. Zeus lived with a rescuer for a year while on our waiting list. When the hurricane hit, we brought him in to make room for more kitties in her home, though we didn't really have the space. Zeus was very entertaining! He was not a soft, cuddly kitty, but he would grace us with his presence on a lap when he wanted to and that was good enough for us. |

JohnnyCash! - Jah - nee - Kahh - sh!
Johnny: delightful, sweet, spunky, babyish, vulnerable, mischievous - boundless love and energy
He loved to play with Chan - his bff! They roll and tumble, play fight and sleep together.
Origin | Champaign, IL. Our little "Man in Black" came from a rescue called CatSNAP when he was only 5 months old, very sick and two days from the death chamber (not by CatSNAP). He and another baby with Manx Syndrome came together with their saviors, Linda and Freda, who met us in Kansas to bring them to CCAS.
Johnny: delightful, sweet, spunky, babyish, vulnerable, mischievous - boundless love and energy
He loved to play with Chan - his bff! They roll and tumble, play fight and sleep together.
Origin | Champaign, IL. Our little "Man in Black" came from a rescue called CatSNAP when he was only 5 months old, very sick and two days from the death chamber (not by CatSNAP). He and another baby with Manx Syndrome came together with their saviors, Linda and Freda, who met us in Kansas to bring them to CCAS.
Luma - Lu - mah Luma: lovely, impish, fearful, playful, affectionate, luminous Luma loves to be alone - she is afraid of other cats so she hides out with Sammie in their own space. Origin | Champaign, IL. Luma came with Johnny Cash from CatSNAP. Her foster mom was so very worried about her when they realized she had urine scald from incontinence and required special care. Initially, Luma was carefree and playful - full of life. Along the way, she became vulnerable and now exhibits 'prey-like' behavior when around the big boys (who likely traumatized her). She and Sammie stay in a separate room together where they both feel safe. NOTE: In the new sanctuary Luma lived downstairs, safe from the big boys who liked to chase her. She was once again the sweet, playful girl without a care. She was 9 when she died unexpectedly. |
Others Who have Been Raised with the CCAS Kitties

Candid photos of the cats and dogs in real life. The are all adopted pets who have been raised with the CCAS kitties, past and present. They are all treated the same and we all share space as one big family. These pets are fully supported by LuAnn and Chris, not CCAS.
Izzy is the first kitty with Manx Syndrome they adopted. Loving and caring for Izzy is the reason CCAS was founded - to help other cats with these and other special needs.
Left to Right :
EddieVedder - 10 year old flame point Siamese - no special needs
Darcy Mae - 7 years old black Lab/Chow mix - congenital eye disease
Charlie - 8 year old orange/buff Persian mix - congenital blindness
Ellery - 9 year old black Manx with Manx Syndrome
Lincoln (and Luma, his girlfriend) - 10 year old Great Dane - no special needs - Kitty Protector/mascot
Izzy - 19 year old Manx-Siamese with Manx Syndrome, Megacolon, Early Stage Kidney Disease, Arthritis
Note: All of these cats were adopted from shelters or rescues. Lincoln and Darcy were being rehomed due to human problems, not their own.
Izzy is the first kitty with Manx Syndrome they adopted. Loving and caring for Izzy is the reason CCAS was founded - to help other cats with these and other special needs.
Left to Right :
EddieVedder - 10 year old flame point Siamese - no special needs
Darcy Mae - 7 years old black Lab/Chow mix - congenital eye disease
Charlie - 8 year old orange/buff Persian mix - congenital blindness
Ellery - 9 year old black Manx with Manx Syndrome
Lincoln (and Luma, his girlfriend) - 10 year old Great Dane - no special needs - Kitty Protector/mascot
Izzy - 19 year old Manx-Siamese with Manx Syndrome, Megacolon, Early Stage Kidney Disease, Arthritis
Note: All of these cats were adopted from shelters or rescues. Lincoln and Darcy were being rehomed due to human problems, not their own.